Site Sell Experts
Golden Nugget Newsletter
Volume #6 | 27/07/2004


Welcome to the monthly newsletter.

My name is Judd Burdon - I head up the Site Build It expert advisor program for Dr. Ken Evoy, the founder and President of In my role I speak with hundreds of folks each month who are looking for ways to use SBI to drive traffic to their websites to help make their online and offline businesses a success.

The monthly newsletter is a FREE service that I developed to share my SBI development techniques and learning with you -- regardless of whether or not you are already an SBI owner/ user. My belief is that the more help I can offer you -- the greater your degree of success will be -- and your success will in turn encourage you to refer people to me -- A true Win - Win!

So with this in mind I would ask you to share any of your thoughts, suggestions, and SBI experiences with me at I always appreciate feedback as I am interested in making each and every newsletter edition as helpful and meaningful as possible :-)

I ALSO invite you to join in on the "sitesellexperts story" program. This allows you to create a page about yourself and how SBI has helped you with your online business -- The page that you create will be posted directly on the page just like the others that are already there.

Here are a couple of examples of the stories I am referring to....

Please send your story to :-)

This Months Topics to Discuss

  1. Where I am :-) ->Section #1
  2. The CTPM approach -> Section #2
  3. Building Online Communities like will contribute tremendously to your success! -> Section #3
  4. The NEW SiteSellExpert's "KickStart Keyword Tools" program! -> Section #4
  5. Need professional web master services?-> Section #5

Sitting Pretty Up at the Lake for the Summer
Dreams do come true!

Section #1

Well, the picture says it all…Summer Heaven.

This is what I get to look out at each and every summer day as I work on my computer and speak with SBI customers.

I am indeed a very fortunate person. I got to spend much of my childhood summers growing up here on the lake in Montebello.

SBI has allowed me to build a business that I can operate from anywhere. I chose to make the ‘anywheres’ in my life Anguilla and Montebello.  We get to spend most of the year at our home in Anguilla in the Caribbean and the summers here in Montebello at the lake.

SBI isn’t magic, but it’s the key enabler that allowed me to reach my goal of being financially independent while working from exactly where I want to be. So as you look at the pictures of me in Anguilla and Montebello, just remember……..Dreams do Come True.

My dad always told me that when something ‘comes from the heart’ (intuition) and is ‘managed by the head’ (intellect) the results will be awe inspiring. Those words of wisdom have stuck with me and when I look back over the past couple of years I am taken aback by the results that I have been able to achieve with SBI.  

If you feel so inclined you can read my story as well as the stories of others and how they and I have applied SBI to make our lives happier and more fulfilling.

I mention the following in every newsletter
because it is so IMPORTANT to follow!
Content -> Traffic -> Pre-sell -> Monetize = Success!

Section #2


Remember -- People are not looking for you -- they search for information, and for solutions to their needs --  Give them what they want by converting your knowledge into high-quality, in-demand CONTENT. 

Build your pages based upon profitable keywords in regards to traffic. 99% of people fail online because they build their site based upon something they THINK will work -- wrong answer! -- SBI allows you to brainstorm your theme/site concept to come up with the PERFECT set of keywords that you will build your content based upon.  


You will build content filled pages based upon the keywords that the SBI Manager helps you find -- remember, make sure that you are using high demand and low supply keywords. When you are done building the page you will click on the SBI Analyze It! button to be sure that the page is fully optimized and that it ranks high at the Search Engines. It will tell you exactly what changes to make to the page and where to include the keyword.

It will tell you if your keywords are listed enough throughout the page and if they are not it will tell you the number of more times that they need to be added... In the scenario that your keywords are listed too much throughout the page, it will tell you the number of times that the keywords need to be removed so that your page does not look spammish or intrusive to the search engines. Incredible and easy optimization in just minutes :-)


Remember - it's all about the Buying process --  you develop trust and confidence ("PREsell") by OVER delivering relevant, original, high-value information/content to these motivated pre-customers. *Adding audio to your emails or to your web site is just another step closer to gaining that trust and confidence that will later get your warm targeted traffic to convert PRESELL -->

I have another surprise for you below regarding the whole Preselling process -- Keep reading right below --

It will blow you away! :-)


MONETIZE your warm, willing-to-buy visitors in various ways. Sell hard goods, e-goods, your personal or professional services... or all three. Or become a "pure infopreneur" and earn substantial income without selling at all, through Google Ads, affiliate fees, finder’s fees and other techniques.” BUT ONLY do this once the visitors are Pre-sold.

Building your own Online Community
will help you presell your audience and bring you Closer to SUCCESS -- Guaranteed!

Section #3

Do you have a Community?
If Not – Consider Getting One - Seriously!

In writing this article I am taking a bit of a different approach as I want to introduce you to something by stating "the PROBLEM", then sharing "the ANSWER" and ultimately provide you with "the SOLUTION".

This style of this approach not only fits the topic in question but it is something important for all of us to consider as we try to market to our target audiences. So with this in mind let’s get started and see where this takes us.

The Problem:

Getting and keeping prospects and customers gets tougher everyday. In today’s current active world of the Internet there are business opportunities greater than ever before. To get your fare share of that business you need to have the RIGHT supply to meet the greatest demand, or alternatively you have to create and MAKE demand for what you have to offer. You have to make Web surfers/traffic know what you’ve got and let them know why they want it. That takes Internet marketing and the constant need to bring new traffic to your site. So what happens when you finally get them there? Typically one of two things happens; they mark the page for future interest (and quite often they never remember to come back), or if you’re fortunate they buy something and/or dig into your offerings. But more often than not they only do this once. Therefore, this begs a question – how do I get them to come back in the future and preferably consider my site the place to be? Or in typical business fashion, how do I retain and maintain my prospects and customers so that I can monetize their presence to the fullest?

The Answer:

Provide your prospects and customers a place to call home! You need a way to keep people wanting to visit your site week after week. You need to have a way to keep your prospects and customers involved in "your world", or more accurately, you need a way to make your world their world so they want to be a part of it.

The Solution:

Build a community that your prospects and customers want to be a part of! You need to go beyond the common bulletin board or message thread and create a forum site that aligns itself to you, your business and the needs of your prospects and customers. You need to be able to create your own COMMUNITY SITE that you and your members can control and grow with together. Simply put, whether you’re a online business, and affiliate business or a niche hobbyist you need a Community!

My Chosen Application of the Solution:

To show you an example of a solid solution to this challenge I have created the Site Sell Expert Community Forums located at -- This site is both a working and usable Community to support all of us, and it’s also a real-world example of the true capabilities and power of an Internet based software application designed specifically with the Community concept in mind.

Well, here's the community.

Real-Life Example Invision Community Forum Site

Please also visit
for more information about setting up your community.

How Did I Approach Finding the Solution:

It’s important to know that I didn’t just jump into this – just like many of you that are working your businesses through the SBI program and often look to Site Sell Expert Advisors for assistance – I did the same. I made it a point of finding a person who was an "expert" in Forums and Community Sites and deployments. His name is John Fisher and he has over three (3) years of solid experience utilizing and operating the majority of products in the bulletin board, thread and forum space, and is also on the Board of Directors and Advisor to one of the top Forum and Community solutions on the market today. So with this in mind, the first thing I did was spend some time getting to know John his experiences and discussing the various options available to the market. Let’s face it the Yahoo threads have been good for us, but they just don’t have the power and flexibility that I believed our Community of SBI Users needed to serve them best.

Setting the Requirements Made Finding the Best Solution Easier:

To ensure that I would be able to deploy the most optimal solution I spent a number of days outlining the requirements of what I would want for the Site Sell Expert Community Forums, and worked hard to learn about the relevant features of these types of products. I knew that I wanted to be able to self-manage and maintain the environment my way so that it would be done the Site Sell Expert way and be of the greatest value for all us. I knew I did not want to deal with advertising interferences and having to have people search through rows and rows of data hoping to find something helpful. I knew that I wanted something flexible that allows for ease of use in managing the site and the Members utilizing the site. It needed to be modifiable and customizable and be able to support collaborative communications across the Community Membership, including proactive subscription and notification tools to ensure Community Members would always be alerted to activity and updates. The above mentioned were just some of the things I wanted the site to support right from the start.

Then I started thinking more about the requirements that my Members would want or need to have to get the most out of the Community Site and keep them coming back on a consistent basis. The requirements started to look like the list below:

• Clean, secure and simple signup process – No special e-mail requirements specific to the site or board like so many others have.

• Ability to have their e-mail not visible to the world – The site would need to allow Members to e-mail one another without exposing their e-mail addresses to anyone that might signup.

• Ability to send Private Messages within the Community – Members can communicate amongst each other freely, with the ability store and manage their private messages, and not require an e-mail transaction to communicate. This also helps to keep the communications relevant to the topics and community and are always right there and available to a member.

• Notifications of New Posts and Topics – Members need to have a proactive system that will alert them to when something has changed or been added to the Community Site – This also ensure repeat visits.

• Be able to Subscribe to both Topics and Complete Forum areas – This allows for Members to easily set what topics and forums they want to be updated on and or track for their personal use. This is a very important feature for the Membership and it also let’s the content be e-mailed to them.

• Members being able to Moderate their Own Forums - To ensure the best in participation, Members often request to be able to create their own Forum/Sub-Forum so that they can moderate topics and discussions relevant to the Community but in their own fashion and way. There needed to be a way to give them this type of control and power with a click of a button.

• Needed to have an Uncluttered Look and Feel with Stability and Efficiency Built In - This Community has to work for both Dial-up and High Speed connected Members. And it had to have a methodical level of organization and structure to it that the Members can easily navigate through.

These were just some of the key areas I realized had to exist and the list seemed to go on the more I talked to other people and looked around the Internet. That’s where John really helped in the process – in no time he was able to discuss key feature and requirements with me and assist me in the deployment of what is arguably the best Community and Forums tool on the Internet. So yes, I jumped in and I asked questions and went through the entire process of organizing and deploying a Community. To my complete surprise I found that with the right Web application and support it was a breeze and I was getting more and more excited about Site Sell Expert Community Forums each day. After testing it out and playing around with my new found "Power of Community" I launched it last weekend and announced its release on the Yahoo messages boards, To my surprise people were signing up in no time and I was amazed at all the compliments and e-mails of appreciation for setting up the site!

So without further adieu I present to you my concept of a Community Site based around doing what I enjoy doing best – helping others be successful with their SBI based businesses. So let me extend this offer to you now to come on over and signup to be a Community Member at the Site Sell Expert Community Forums. There is activity and news happening there on a daily basis and all of you are welcome to join and share your thoughts with the Community. I like to think of the SBI/SSE Community as a whole new way to help bring success to the SBI User Community – one post and forum topic at a time – reaching out to help serve others and in turn learn and be part of a the SBI Success Team.


Or use link to directly register now:

By the way – for those of you interested I have been working on arrangements with John Fisher to assist in make available Community Building Services, so other Members of the Site Sell Expert Community can have their own personal Communities setup for them. And to ensure that it is fast and easy I have asked John to put together a program whereby he would not just get you started and implemented, but he will work with you to train you and ensure that you get the most from your Community Site.

You can reach John at:

Please tell him that I sent you to ensure you get this program and special community offer.

SiteSellExpert's "KickStart Keyword Tools"

I am sure you already know who Rob Oskins is :-) He is an absolutely outstanding certified web master (read more about him below) and he recently approached me with a great idea. He asked me for my advice on something -- I do my best when I can ;-) -- Rob asked me the following "Judd, do you know of anyone using SBI or interested in using SBI that could use a KickStart?" I answered him -- "YES, absolutely!"

Let's cut to the chase :-)

Rob is offering a service where he will do all the front end time consuming, IMPORTANT keyword research and analysis. He will brainstorm and analyze YOUR present online business, ideas, hobbies, knowledge, etc. and provide you with the BEST and most profitable keywords that relate to your concept that you will then develop content upon. This is absolutely critical to do and your business really depends on this!

Here are the services that come with "KickStart Keyword Tools" service:

  1. Research your site concept to come up with as many profitable keywords as possible.
  2. ALL the keywords will be put into what we call "keyword categories".

    Ex. Keywords like "Golf Clubs, Golfing Club, Golfing Clubs" would obviously fit into the "Golf Club" category.

  3. Provide you with a list of related sites (competition, affiliate programs, research, etc.) to each profitable keyword.
  4. Important tips and techniques to using these keywords effectively and how to get the most out of your "KickStart Keyword Tools" investment.
  5. A sample sitemap.

Rob, is providing the above "KickStart Keyword Tools" service for an extremely low price and is offering the following.......

The first 50 people within the SiteSellExperts community will get a special $99 rebate. You can take advantage now and sign up for the SiteSellSxpert "KickStart Keyword Tools" for only $219 by Clicking Here - Rob will touch base with you after you sign up and get started right away.

Get Started Now!

P.S. I will be asking Rob to do a "KickStart" for me in the coming weeks as I just don't have the time to do the front end research -- I also know that Rob's results will be just as good as mine ;-)

Need Some Professional ONE to ONE
Guidance with an SBI Expert?

Section #5

Rob Oskins is a Certified Site Build It Web Master

Looking for outstanding Web Master services to build out or improve your existing site. Meet Rob Oskins -- Web Master Extraordinaire!  Rob has got ALL the right stuff -- PLUS he really knows all the tricks to search engine marketing and development. Rob creates websites that not only look great but that incorporate ALL the SBI elements to deliver superior traffic performance. 

Get a FREE quote from Rob Oskins today!

Looking for the Guaranteed online business building success solution -- Go to and give Site Build It a try risk free today! 

All my best as always and please keep me posted on your SBI site!

Judd Burdon