7 Easy Steps to Building a
Successful Online Business with




Seven 7 Steps  to Success with SBI Guaranteed!

It's funny how some things can look complicated at first -- but once you break them down into bite size pieces and understand them -- they become simple. I speak with hundreds of SBI clients and potential clients each and every month and I know that getting started down the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ on the way to the Emerald City can seem a bit overwhelming at first………..but don’t worry – it’s really not that tough.

That's why I put together this 7 Step Guide to Online success with SBI……so that you can breakdown the process and you will know what do focus on and what needs to be done, in which order and when.

You know the old saying -- "Monkey see, monkey do" - well let's just say that I'm the monkey that has actually done this with my own sites as well as building out numerous sites for other folks as well. So.......consider me as your personal expert guide -- and follow the steps exactly as I have laid them out -- and you'll be on your way down your own 'Yellow brick road" .....and you'll get to the gates of your own Emerald City -- and reap the rewards of a successful high online business.

Step 1: or ‘Getting on the Yellow Brick Road at the right End’

OK -- When you get your SBI package the first thing I want you to do is RELAX - take a deep breath, close your eyes and repeat after me....."I will not be in a hurry and I will follow the instructions to the letter". OK now that you've done that I want you to read the "Read Me First" SBI document. I want you to read the ENTIRE 'Read me First' DOCUMENT  RIGHT TO THE END OF THE DOCUMENT --- YES -- RIGHT OT THE END!!!!

The Reason that you must do this is so that you understand what your trip is going to be all about. Imagine that you were going on a road trip from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast – but no one told you how long the trip would be……or that there are mountains and rivers that must be crossed – well let’s just say – you are much better off knowing what lies ahead of you …….so go back and complete the ‘Read me First’ section ….

Step 2:  or “OK Click your heels together and sing…

’We’re off to See the Wizard’

OK – We are off to see the Wizard……..(who we know is Dr. Ken Evoy)….. or at least to start reading what we insiders call the ‘SBI Bible’ ……..The SBI Action Guide.

This masterpiece was created by Dr. Ken Evoy (founder of SBI! and SiteSell.com) and it is the defacto definitive work regarding everything about building a successful online business with SBI. Now for a heads up – The SBI Action Guide is also lovingly referred to by some as the SBI Dead Sea Scrolls…….because this is not a short read.

This is a major academic work – a course for those who are serious about wanting to build a successful online business. The SBI Action Guide is set up for you to go through it over a 10 DAY period --- and Dr. Ken Evoy is your personal guide throughout the entire 10 DAYS.

OK Yes, I said the ENTIRE 10 days….and I mean it. So let's stop here for a minute and have a chat. Look, it's really simple -- there are No short cuts to success -- there are no get rich quick schemes that work. The only way to success is through passionate, committed hard and smart work. If you find this undertaking too overwhelming for you -- you have two choices -- Drop out now or click here to get my personal recommendation on a certified SBI webmaster who can help you build out your site.

People who don’t have the time to spend 10 days reading and applying themselves are NOT going to have success building out their site themselves using SBI. Those of you who are prepared to roll up your sleeves and commit to the 10 day Action Guide pathway.....CARRY ON and in just 10 DAYS, you will be well on your way to building a successful and profitable online presence.

So let's be clear – There are no short cuts --- Take the 10 days and follow the Step by Step 10 day  Action Guide Course --- do it all and go right to the end, right to the end – Yes, I repeated myself one more time just to be sure! And, remember, if you just don't want to do it yourself or don't have the time or inclination -- click here to get all the details on someone who I know can help you get the job done and get a free quote on what it will take.

Step 3: or “OK the Wicked Witch is Dead and You’re in the Emerald City”

You’ve completed the Action Guide and been certified to use The SBI Manager and the SBI Brainstorming tool do a profitability analysis on your idea, or site concept or if you already have a site – then on your existing site theme. You’ve learned in the Action Guild what drives the Search Engines and the importance of selecting and utilizing the right Keywords.  The SBI Manager process will help you find and select  the keywords that you will use as you begin the process of building out your website.

Let me give you a little taste of what you can look forward to in this part of the “Emerald City”.

‘Let’s say you just loved the idea of building a website on the topic of New York City………well, that’s a nice idea ……..but how do you determine if there is any profit potential in that idea. How do you figure out what to focus on ?????

Well – that’s where the Wizards tool box comes in…..(remember Dr. Ken Evoy…) You would type New York” into the SBI manager brainstorm and research box. The SBI Manager will then go out to the internet and find a list of related keywords to New York”. You will usually get between 50 and 100 keywords back depending on your site theme. Here is an example of SOME of the keywords that the Manager will come back to you with if your site concept was "New York".

broadway shows
new york subway maps
new york city night clubs
new york city maps
new york city restaurant guide
new york city shopping
picture of new york
new york apartment rentals
new york city theater
new your city tourism
new york city vacation

The magic and power of the SBI Manager and Brainstorm tool is that it provides you with a ranking of the keywords and phrases on the basis of the number of Search Engine Searches that are done on a monthly basis (We call this the DEMAND) and it also shows the number of website who and fulfill the Searches (We Call this theSUPPLY)……. and as per Economics 101 – the higher the demand and the lower the supply – the higher the profit potential is!  Please note that these example keywords have a reasonable number of searches on a monthly basis (DEMAND) and barely any competition online (SUPPLY). …….or a wonderful profit potential.

If you are looking for an SEO keyword expert to help expedite this process and build your keyword foundation for you please click here

 Step 4 – or “It’s Time to pull the Curtain back – and Show you the Wizard…… I mean THE MONEY”

Ok, ok .........so by now you know that the Omnipotent Oz is really Dr. Ken Evoy and that ‘It doesn’t happen by magic’………and you’ve always had…….ok, ok – I won’t ramble on anymore…….let’s just say “It’s time to click those ruby reds together and get on our way home”

You know the process that we are going to use to select and confirm your website theme --- to make sure that it has the profit potential that makes building it worthwhile.  You know the process that we will go through to select the most profitable Keywords.  

And once you have those keywords you will then build out a dedicated individual optimized page on your site that focuses on each one of those powerful Keywords.  The reason you will do this is because there is a low (Supply) to these keywords yet there is a high demand – so if you focus on building out relevant and compelling content and copy that utilizes these keywords then you will get a very good ranking in the search engines that will result in you getting good traffic to your site.

Using the keywords on the New York topic as an example, you would have a page about broadway shows that would perhaps list all of the upcoming broadway shows in New York and you could also have a link though to a broadway show ticket seller that you could earn commissions on each ticket sold.

You would have a page on new york city restaurant guides where you could have a list of cheap and high end best restaurants to eat at. You could actually call the restaurants and do a deal with them. You could propose that you have a web site that reviews New York restaurants and you would like to be able to drive more customers to their restaurants that wouldn’t of been there otherwise. You could then create a form that people could fill out requesting a coupon and you would then send them an email coupon that the people could simply print out and take with them to a restaurant to get a 15% discount on their meal. As a part of the deal you would ask the restaurant owner to give you $10 for every coupon that comes into their restaurant.

So – there you have it – Simple and Powerful. We call it MONITIZATION – or How do you make money from your website.  The above examples are just a taste of the many ways that you can make money from your website --- I won’t go into more details on this here but you can rest assured that you will get into this in much more detail throughout your SBI program.

Step 5 - Registering Your Business Domain Name

On DAY 5 in the Action Guide (and not before), You will choose and register the PERFECT domain name for your new Solo Build It! site. Use the Manager to do this. The key here is to register a domain with the highest demand (number of people searching on a monthly basis) but, yet is still profitable – meaning that the demand is higher then the supply.

Example: Let’s work with the New York keywords above again. I found that "New York City Street Maps" had the highest demand out of all of the most profitable keywords.

What would be the domain name that I would choose for this site?


This domain name would just give the site more credibility in the search engines because it is a common search phrase and therefore would give better chance in ranking #1 in all of the major engines for that particular high demand keyword.

Have you ever noticed if you go to Google, AltaVista or any major engine and you type in a domain name excluding the "www." and the ".com" it will usually show up in #1 rank.

Go to Google and type in "asphaltkingdom" - Who shows up number #1?

Yes, www.asphaltkingdom.com is one of my web sites and yes, it shows up #1.

So this proves out my point above in regards to registering the right domain. MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER THE RIGHT DOMAIN, period.

(You may also transfer an existing domain in the SBI Manager if absolutely necessary... *NOT* recommended though.)

As soon as you HAVE registered your domain, two e-mails will be headed your way.

1st email) SUBJECT is "Solo Build It! is Ready for You!"

The first e-mail, from Ken Evoy, confirms that your domain has been registered. It tells you how to log in and use SBI!'s Site Builder and Traffic Center (DAYS 6-10 of Action Guide).

2nd email) SUBJECT is "Solo Build It! Catchall E-mail is Set Up!"

The second e-mail confirms your catchall e-mail address and shows you how to use it. OR... as you will see in the Action Guide, you can redirect all e-mail that goes to your SBI! domain to any other e-mail address that you prefer!

Step 6 - Building Your Pages.

Use the server-side SiteBuilder to build your Theme-Based Content Site, starting on DAY 6-8 in the Action Guide.

SBI’s templates are very easy to work with and I have used them for each of my sites.


(I Partnered with Alan Lofft on this site)

You can also use Front Page or Dream Weaver to build your site and then just upload the pages and analyze your pages to make sure they are fully optimized.

I really recommend that you go to see all of the SBI tips and techniques as I KNOW they will help you. You will probably want to come here before you build your whole site as there is so much helpful information here http://build.sitesell.com/tips

Step 7 - Site Analysis and Home we come.

DAYS 8-10 in the Action Guide concentrate on building TARGETED traffic to your site, using BOTH the client-side Manager tools AND the server-side Analyzing tools to make sure your site is ready for submission and on the road to success.

There you have it! My 7 step guide to working and building an online business with SBI. Follow these guidelines and you will succeed!

All the Best,

Judd Burdon

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Solo Build It!
Success Stories

"I have a great site, fantastic traffic, a subscriber base that loves my e-zine, and a profitable business. I have even opened a store using PayPal, which works great with SBI!, as well as a Yahoo! Store. I run the occasional eBay auction, too. (My SBI! site actually sends my Yahoo Store and my auctions more traffic than Yahoo! and eBay do!). But I have a problem... My site (yes, a specialty niche, just as you recommend) has been growing greatly -- I hope that you don't force me out due to the success, since I love teaching college, too!" -- Jim Nelson, Kentucky, U.S.

and another.....

"Ken, my passion is music (I was the editor of Sound & Vision Magazine for a number of years). But I am not a techie, so thank goodness for your SBI! turnkey system. I have watched my traffic soar in leaps and bounds. Ken, Axiom Audio and I are just delighted. We plan to use it to build a number of other sites to deliver BUYING traffic to our main "storefront" sales site, axiomaudio.com. I am not sure if I should tell you this, but you will figure it out soon -- you are vastly under priced for what you deliver!." -- Alan Lofft, New York, USA

and another.....

"Like you say, the only thing you don't supply is motivation. The SBI! team is great, the materials supplied are well written, and it's possible to get up and running (earning!) very quickly. Before you go "live" the materials which help you choose your site name are invaluable. And after the site is built, the submission, tracking and mass mailout programs are real time savers. In less than 2 months we have a "cool" site which has already had thousands of visits and most importantly of all is earning." --   Jim Andrew / Fiona McCardle, Tuscany, Italy.

and another.....

"I can't say enough about Solo Build It! Every month my traffic grows and grows. This month, I've been getting well over 2000 unique visitors a day strictly from search engine traffic resulting in sales of close to $50,000 with commissions of $200 to $400 per day and I haven't even started advertising, sending out my ezine, or requesting links yet. And this was the very first website I've ever built!." -- Darryl Barnes Starkville, MS, USA

and another.....

"Ken, my passion is music (I was the editor of Sound & Vision Magazine for a number of years). But I am not a techie, so thank goodness for your SBI! turnkey system. I have watched my traffic soar in leaps and bounds. Ken, Axiom Audio and I are just delighted. We plan to use it to build a number of other sites to deliver BUYING traffic to our main "storefront" sales site, axiomaudio.com. I am not sure if I should tell you this, but you will figure it out soon -- you are vastly under priced for what you deliver!." -- Alan Lofft, New York, USA

and another.....

"Like you say, the only thing you don't supply is motivation. The SBI! team is great, the materials supplied are well written, and it's possible to get up and running (earning!) very quickly. Before you go "live" the materials which help you choose your site name are invaluable. And after the site is built, the submission, tracking and mass mailout programs are real time savers. In less than 2 months we have a "cool" site which has already had thousands of visits and most importantly of all is earning." --   Jim Andrew / Fiona McCardle, Tuscany, Italy.

and another.....

"I can't say enough about Solo Build It! Every month my traffic grows and grows. This month, I've been getting well over 2000 unique visitors a day strictly from search engine traffic resulting in sales of close to $50,000 with commissions of $200 to $400 per day and I haven't even started advertising, sending out my ezine, or requesting links yet. And this was the very first website I've ever built!." -- Darryl Barnes Starkville, MS, USA

and another.....

"Dad, how do people do all this without Solo Build It?" -- Nori Evoy, Quebec, Canada

Dad's (Ken Evoy's) Answer to Nori: "With great difficulty, Nori. Great job! Your site gets more traffic than big-budget Anguilla sites."

Dad's Note to Reader: Nori's site has already generated thousands of dollars in real estate commissions (from rentals and sales) and earns her hundreds of dollars per month from Google AdSense ads.

The list could honestly keep going on and on but my page is just not long enough ;-)